martes, 8 de mayo de 2012


Fluid mechanics

Relationship to continuum mechanics

Fluid mechanics is a sub discipline of continuum mechanics, as illustrated in the following table.

Continuum mechanics
The study of the physics of continuous materials
Solid mechanics
The study of the physics of continuous materials with a defined rest shape.
Describes materials that return to their rest shape after an applied
Describes materials that permanently deform after a sufficient applied stress.
The study of materials with both solid and fluid characteristics.
Fluid mechanics
The study of the physics of continuous materials which take the shape of their container.

In a mechanical view, a fluid is a substance that does not support shear stress; that is why a fluid at rest has the shape of its containing vessel. A fluid at rest has no shear stress.

Like any mathematical model of the real world, fluid mechanics makes some basic assumptions about the materials being studied. These assumptions are turned into equations that must be satisfied if the assumptions are to be held true. For example, consider an incompressible fluid in three dimensions. The assumption that mass is conserved means that for any fixed closed surface (such as a sphere) the rate of mass passing from outside to inside the surface must be the same as rate of mass passing the other way. (Alternatively, the mass inside remains constant, as does the mass outside). This can be turned into an integral equation over the surface.
Fluid mechanics assumes that every fluid obeys the following:
·         Conservation of mass
·         Conservation of energy
·         Conservation of momentum
·         The continuum hypothesis, detailed below.
Further, it is often useful (at subsonic conditions) to assume a fluid is incompressible – that is, the density of the fluid does not change.
Similarly, it can sometimes be assumed that the viscosity of the fluid is zero. Gases can often be assumed to be inviscid. If a fluid is viscous, and its flow contained in some way (e.g. in a pipe), then the flow at the boundary must have zero velocity. For a viscous fluid, if the boundary is not porous, the shear forces between the fluid and the boundary results also in a zero velocity for the fluid at the boundary. This is called the no-slip condition. For a porous media otherwise, in the frontier of the containing vessel, the slip condition is not zero velocity, and the fluid has a discontinuous velocity field between the free fluid and the fluid in the porous media.


1 comentario:

    1- ¿ Qué es la Mecánica de los Solidos?
    2- ¿ Qué estudia la Mecánica de los fluídos?
    3- ¿ Qué es un fluido desde el punto de vista mecánico?
    4- ¿ Qué significa el supuesto que la masa se conserve?
    5- En la Mecánica de los Fluídos, ¿a qué obedece todo fluído?
    6- ¿ Qué significa que un fluído sea incomprensible?
    7- ¿Qué ocurre si un fluído es viscoso?
    8- ¿Por otra parte, qué ocurre con los medios porosos?

